Free Yoga & Tai-Chi

Flushing Meeting is hosting free community Tai-Chi and Yoga classes every Sunday morning from 8:30 to 9:30am (wear loose clothing).  These classes are generously offered by Body & Brain Flushing, part of a national network dedicated to improving our overall energy and health. Please help us [...]

Turning Blue

Friends Celebrate 70th Anniversary of United Nations SDG Projections: Massive scale projections and peoples’ voices to celebrate UN70 and visually depict the 17 Global Goals Organized by the United Nations Department of Public Information in partnership with the Executive Office of the [...]

Flushing Meeting Participates in Unity Walk

Flushing Meeting, a member of the Flushing Interfaith Council, participated in this year’s Queens Interfaith Unity Walk on October 18 in the diverse community of Flushing, Queens.  Dozens of people from different faiths and beliefs came together to build greater understanding and solidarity, [...]